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IMC Spring Concert is Saturday, June 3,3023 at the William Lowman Concert Hall at Idyllwild Arts - 52500 Temecula Rd. Idyllwild, CA 92549
Repertoire ‘23
Arron Copland:
Long Time Ago, I Bought Me A Cat, At this River, Ching A Ring Chaw
Jean Berger:
Snake Baked a Hoecake, The Prune Song, The Frisco Whale
Morton Lauridsen:
Poetry of William Agee “Sure on this Shining Night and Dana Gioia - Prayer; Selections from Lux Aeterna - O Nata Lux, etc
Robert Holmes' Choral Arrangements:
Now the Day is Over, Amazing Grace
Randall Thompson:
Choose Something Like a Star, The Road Not Taken, Stopping By the Woods On a Snowy Evening
Mack Wilberg:
Ernest Siva:
Coyote’s Waiting